#0116 Shrapnel by Hibinimus

#0116 Shrapnel by Hibinimus
#0116 Shrapnel by Hibinimus
#0116 Shrapnel by Hibinimus
#0116 Shrapnel by Hibinimus


искусство, вдохновленное криком душ

Хибинимус внимательный наблюдатель, следователь, хранитель последнего контакта, Харон современности, который пополняет реестр мертвых одной подписью.

#0116 Shrapnel by Hibinimus

#0116 Shrapnel

#0116 Shrapnel by Hibinimus
#0116 Shrapnel by Hibinimus - $b


I was a living subject, but I have become a wreck – inevitably and irrevocably. I fell, yanking the neural bundles of wires out of my gut.

Skeleton’s Feast - the embodied dimension of the passing of time irrevocably. A gutted interior with ribs sticking out, once covered with curves. A skeleton intended only for tearing air apart and making moaning whizzes. The vocalization of the squeaky hinges, not needed by anyone, with functions that have become a thing of the past. My psyche is also very corrosive. Processes proceed with shuffling and grinding sounds. I am unperturbed to see that there are still red outlets somewhere else, as if there are still sources of circulating blood at the bottom. But this blood will not revive anything anymore - it will flow downward, subject to the will of gravity. I no longer deny universal heaviness.

The ginger calmness stiffens with a premonition of transformation - from me there will be barbed wire, which will tear living tissues apart, isolating and separating; from me shall be made harrows that will tear the earth apart, and axes that will kill the trees.

Hammers that crush the softness of existence.

I soak the ground with used black grease from the inside from the organs immobilized in the cavities of the torsos. Even the smell does not bear witness to the former life. I run down the oil without being slippery. I spend soot and dirty scraps of old softness, having as a witness and companion a motionless raven.

#0116 Shrapnel by Hibinimus
#0116 Shrapnel by Hibinimus
#0116 Shrapnel by Hibinimus

Hibinimus (2021)

#0116 Shrapnel by Hibinimus#0116 Shrapnel by Hibinimus

Acrylic, canvas
100 x 70 cm
Certificate of authenticity on the back

Price: 8 255 €

Currency conversion:  40 000 PLN  /  8 313 USD

#0116 Shrapnel by Hibinimus

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#0116 Shrapnel by Hibinimus
#0116 Shrapnel by Hibinimus
#0116 Shrapnel by Hibinimus
#0116 Shrapnel by Hibinimus


Хибинимус решил донести свою работу до более широкой аудитории. До сих пор он относился к творчеству как к личному, интимному занятию, результаты которого видели только родственники и друзья. Хибинимус - врач, работающий в исключительных условиях. Он выступает в роли коронера, проводит судебно-медицинские экспертизы и вскрытия, описывает акты насилия. Он - внимательный наблюдатель уже произошедших несчастий, он видит их последствия и докапывается до истины. Постоянный контакт со смертью, преступлением, болью и страданием может изменить его восприятие мира и людей. Его мертвые пациенты требуют справедливости, и он представляет их в мире живых. Мертвые живут не только в памяти о своих близких. Их безмолвный крик, выражение их застывших глаз не позволяют забыть о них.

#0116 Shrapnel by Hibinimus

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#0116 Shrapnel by Hibinimus#0116 Shrapnel by Hibinimus#0116 Shrapnel by Hibinimus#0116 Shrapnel by Hibinimus
#0116 Shrapnel by Hibinimus

#0116 Shrapnel by Hibinimus
#0116 Shrapnel by Hibinimus


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