eine von Schreien der Seelen inspirierte Kunst

Hibinimus er ist ein aufmerksamer Beobachter, Ermittler, Wächter des letzten Kontakts, Charon der Neuzeit, der mit einer Unterschrift das Totenregister erweitert.

Going beyond existential scenarios | Blog


Going beyond existential scenarios

Hibinimus' Creation is a embodiment of a lack of compromise with life and world as they are. Dominated by materialism, duplicity, hate and evil.

Hibinimus' Creation is a embodiment of a lack of compromise with life and world as they are. Dominated by materialism, duplicity, hate and evil. A wave of emotions and feelings which each time devastates his world view, undermines the trustworthiness of next egregores, the faith in human order, finds an outlet in the shapelesness of stains and disorderly shapes. His paintings are not the product of cold calculations, are not the copy of life, they are its offspring, answers to it, disagreements with it, the pain which it feels. They embody the search after their own thoughts, seeking, wandering, something parallel to life and the things it brings.
- Let's return to the source of inspiration. You cannot treat corpses as if they were items. Can't you do some activities, turn off the thoughts and pictures in your head and return to your everyday issues?
- No, and sometimes, instead of getting used to it as expected, the mental and visual odium becomes and ever-greater burden. I return with a heavier baggage with more rumpled contents.
- What is the cause of evil?
- This time I am prepared. At the dock as the main culprit I see neutrality and cowardice. The accomplices are greed and stupidity. As a justification I'll add, that it is the lack of courage, which causes passiveness, withdrawn silence and indifferent, conservative attitude. They support and legitimimise the expansion of aggresive evil. The modern civilised human eats from three bowls: of fame, money and power. The models of life up to which we aspire are built upon this trinity. If you want to somehow place yourself upon this social stratification you need to take some things from the bowls. And you can take them by many means, with the most cruel and bestial included. And we have no courage to live differently than the others, we just want to live better than others. On the other side there is wisdom and good, and in the middle the ones not taking part in the vote, the majority of cowardly people, withdrawn, scared, passive. IF we compare it to colors: black, gray and white. The presence of gray in between makes the white less white, and the black less black.
- What should be changed?
- Nothing, such is the way of things and that's it. Escalating chaos in a world of global void does have an end too. External chaos implicates internal chaos, and so painting is somewhat a study of this chaos. The optimist says that the end of the old is the beginning of the new, which I hope is true.

Mark’s dream

Our mind has an intellectual level where principles, rationality, logic and objective cause-and-effect relationships rule. In this space of the mind we operate with the arguments of common sense. This space does not provide us with "senseless" anxiety, "unfounded" fears, or "unjustified" horror.


Emotions first

Hibinimus doesn't sign any agreement with the recipient, he doesn't include symbols, allegories. He speaks the language of emotions, he is an opponent of schematic metaphors.



Hibinimus beschloss seine Arbeit einem breiteren Publikum zugänglich zu machen. Bisher hat er den schöpferischen Akt als eine persönliche, intime Tätigkeit betrachtet, deren Ergebnisse nur von Verwandten und Freunden gesehen wurden. Hibinimus ist ein Arzt, der unter Sonderbedingungen arbeitet. Er ist Gerichtsmediziner, führt gerichtsmedizinische Untersuchungen und Autopsien durch und schreibt Berichte über Gewalttaten. Er ist ein sensibler Beobachter vergangenes Unglücks, sieht seine Folgen und ergründet die Wahrheit. Der ständige Kontakt mit Tod, Verbrechen, Unrecht und Leid kann die Wahrnehmung der Welt und der Menschen verändern. Seine verstorbenen Patienten schreien nach Gerechtigkeit, also vertritt er sie in der Welt der Lebenden. Die Toten leben nicht nur in Erinnerung ihrer Nӓchsten. Ihr stummer Schrei, der Ausdruck ihrer erstarrten Augen lässt sie nicht vergessen.

Going beyond existential scenarios | Blog

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Going beyond existential scenarios | Blog

Going beyond existential scenarios | Blog
Going beyond existential scenarios | Blog

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