Hibinimus – er ist ein aufmerksamer Beobachter, Ermittler, Wächter des letzten Kontakts, Charon der Neuzeit, der mit einer Unterschrift das Totenregister erweitert.
Structural order, logical systems, geometric figures, symmetry, straight lines and the balance of beings are my daily bread, which fills my substantive mind, creating frames of my intellect.
What made you decide to use this form of expression in your work? Where did this adventure with art begin?
Structural order, logical systems, geometric figures, symmetry, straight lines and the balance of beings are my daily bread, which fills my substantive mind, creating frames of my intellect.
This is the well-functioning and perfectly ordered left hemisphere of my mind that shows its possibilities. However, carrying out the function of intellect and staying in this area makes me a social prisoner, or rather a robot. My psyche supports this area, but does not find any energizing movements in it, because this activity does not open the imagination. And, most importantly, the mind remains cut off from the energies hidden at the depth level. I disagree with such impoverishment and feel the necessity to create wholeness in which there is room for hidden wealth and personal individuality. That is why I create passionately and with passion, reviving the colourful and vibrating components of myself.
Art and medicine, two - it would seem - separate worlds; it turns out, however, that they have a lot in common. How much?
The worlds are different when medical treatment is adopted according to strictly defined procedures. However, I would like to point out that Asclepius (Aesculapius in Latin) is considered the father of medicine, who treated medicine as the art of healing with deep (maybe even intuitive) getting to know the patient and investigating the hidden sources of his illness.
Experienced doctors, in addition to extensive knowledge, also have a developed intuition that allows them to make difficult diagnoses and set the directions of therapy.
Like many cognitively committed specialists, I highly appreciate that which follows the analysis process, creates medical afterimages, revealing hidden truths when the complex of current information interacts with the vast resources of the subconscious. I must remind you that I am an anatomopathologist who deals with a silent patient who will not answer any question with words.
Are you inspired by the people? By emotions or events? Or maybe the process of passing: that which is close to man and at the same time independent of him?
I am inspired by the fact that my creativity has a multitude of forms. I am like a child who plays for hours with pouring water, creating new, different forms each time. Likewise
- I'm fascinated by new shapes and changing colours that seem to express important things. It is as if I am getting the information I am looking for from an area covered with secrecy.
How does your daily work influence you as an artist?
I have the impression that the more professional routine, efforts and sacrifices there are, the more the need for creative freedom builds up in me. It is as if self-discipline and sobriety of mind have fuelled creative processes and exploration in the dimensions of the unknown.
The creation process is not only a fantasy, talent, workshop, but also technique, space and tools. Let's go through the technical stuff a bit. How does all of this work in practice?
Being energetically charged with the emotions that I have accumulated immediately after the event or after analysing the memories of the past event, I choose colour combinations. I mix the colours on the canvas and then the hand guided by my heart draws a pattern i.e. manual refinement.
How important are colours and light in your work?
They are my material and a source of inspiration. I am serious about scientific discoveries regarding the role of photons in correcting and replicating human DNA. In the light model of DNA, I see a higher dimension of human identity and, at the same time, an optimal design for a personal future. I believe that medicine at a higher stage of its development will use light and colour to treat disease.
Attempts have been made, but for the time being only in the areas of complementary medicine and psychotherapy.
Is the end result of your paintings improvisation or the consistent implementation of the original vision?
There is a considerable share of improvisation in this, but the colours and shapes that could create chaos in the process of my creative work gain organization and meaning. They become a factor in expanding my mind and a source of information that gives me a sense of inner wealth and life strength.
Please tell me about your inspirations. What inspires your imagination and creativity?
Everything that I perceive with my senses, what I learn by reading literature and entering the field of art's influence, but also what comes to me from the depths of my psyche, creating analogies, transformations, variations and metaphors of stimuli that are received by the receptors of my nervous system.
What gives you the greatest joy in creating, and what can be a major obstacle?
Creating is not a joy, it is a valve that allows you to vent the emotions gathered in your heart and head, otherwise I would go crazy.
What are you working on at present?
I never tell anyone what is currently being created. It's my secret as well as the fact that not everything is made public. I leave these most personal, most sinister works to myself, deeply hidden because they could destroy the world.
Our mind has an intellectual level where principles, rationality, logic and objective cause-and-effect relationships rule. In this space of the mind we operate with the arguments of common sense. This space does not provide us with "senseless" anxiety, "unfounded" fears, or "unjustified" horror.
Hibinimus' Creation is a embodiment of a lack of compromise with life and world as they are. Dominated by materialism, duplicity, hate and evil.
Hibinimus beschloss seine Arbeit einem breiteren Publikum zugänglich zu machen. Bisher hat er den schöpferischen Akt als eine persönliche, intime Tätigkeit betrachtet, deren Ergebnisse nur von Verwandten und Freunden gesehen wurden. Hibinimus ist ein Arzt, der unter Sonderbedingungen arbeitet. Er ist Gerichtsmediziner, führt gerichtsmedizinische Untersuchungen und Autopsien durch und schreibt Berichte über Gewalttaten. Er ist ein sensibler Beobachter vergangenes Unglücks, sieht seine Folgen und ergründet die Wahrheit. Der ständige Kontakt mit Tod, Verbrechen, Unrecht und Leid kann die Wahrnehmung der Welt und der Menschen verändern. Seine verstorbenen Patienten schreien nach Gerechtigkeit, also vertritt er sie in der Welt der Lebenden. Die Toten leben nicht nur in Erinnerung ihrer Nӓchsten. Ihr stummer Schrei, der Ausdruck ihrer erstarrten Augen lässt sie nicht vergessen.
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