Hibinimus – an attentive observer, investigator, guardian of the last contact, Charon of modern times, who with one signature enlarges the dead register.
Rushing, fleeting and inconstant – like a silk ribbon in the wind … Today, it’s a sash with an eternal message.
As beautiful as a rose, she played the harlequin time, while time played with her, deceiving with wealth and splendour.
They lose their bodily materiality and feminine fragrances drift away into oblivion. Together with them, there were wonderful alabaster breasts, which aroused the lust of dragoons and hussars.
Scraps of a past fairground vanity. A layer of the hustle and bustle and splendour of forms thrown onto a colourful background of old excitement and revival. Immaculate lovers, dazzling with sophistication and courtly elegance ... no longer present.
Fragments and shades from the land of decay, persistently relegated to non-existence, press against each other again and again.
Among the withering petals her Harlequin disappears - it is old and toothless. In temporal tearing, she goes to the eternal abyss, although she still wants to cancel the inevitability by animating the heart’s quivering, the reaction of the eye’s pupil.
Despair of shaggy Bijou - a dog’s soul cries under a white fur, suspended in a void filled with longing. Columbina’s doll with arms and legs in ragged helplessness is thrown into the corner. It’s a time of passing.
Columbine didn’t quite die, did she?
The black chrysanthemum of memory creates her bridge to eternity.
Acrylic, canvas
40 x 40 cm
Certificate of authenticity on the back
Currency conversion: 24 000 PLN / 4 988 USD
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Hibinimus ha decidido que su obra llegará a un extenso grupo de destinatarios. Hasta ahora su acto creativo ha sido tratado como un pasatiempo personal e íntimo, asimismo los resultados los han visto solo sus seres queridos y unos amigos. Hibinimus es un médico forense que trabaja en condiciones especiales. Él realiza inspecciones oculares judiciales y médicas, hace autopsias, y además describe actos de violencia. Es un observador involucrado en las desgracias realizadas, ve sus efectos y llega a la verdad. Está en contacto continuo con la muerte, el crimen, el daño y el sufrimiento, puede cambiar la precepción del mundo y los seres humanos. Sus pacientes muertos solicitan la justicia y él es su representante en el mundo de los vivos. Los muertos están vivos no solo en la memoria de los cercanos. Sus gritos mudos, la expresión de sus ojos congelados no les permite olvidar.
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