art inspired by the screams of souls

Hibinimus an attentive observer, investigator, guardian of the last contact, Charon of modern times, who with one signature enlarges the dead register.

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Mark’s dream

Our mind has an intellectual level where principles, rationality, logic and objective cause-and-effect relationships rule. In this space of the mind we operate with the arguments of common sense. This space does not provide us with "senseless" anxiety, "unfounded" fears, or "unjustified" horror.

Our mind has an intellectual level where principles, rationality, logic and objective cause-and-effect relationships rule. In this space of the mind we operate with the arguments of common sense. This space does not provide us with "senseless" anxiety, "unfounded" fears, or "unjustified" horror.

These (saturated with negative emotions) feelings arise in the deep layers, which are subjective and governed by the laws of magic. Whoever voluntarily introduces dark magic into these layers - its forces and mechanisms, gets what he deserves - dark magic becomes the dominant of these deep spaces of the mind - their "lord and master." Thus, one has a dark, gloomy ruler who governs through anxiety, fearful imaginings, apprehension and terror.

The dark lord offers the weak and naive man the advantage and the surrender of his own power, and in return he asks only for a little attention - for some space in the mind... But when he is let in there, he takes everything (!!!) - he fills the whole mind and leaves him no spaces to siphon joy, bright light, love... He also takes away hope for a good change...

The desire to have advantage and wealth, unavailable to other people, ends in bondage, feelings of entrapment, anxiety and despair.

In order to make it better, you have to pronounce this rogue deal and rebel against the rebellious angel - take away the directing of attention only towards him. One's own will must be opposed to his will. Rebellion is to start directing one's mind towards the spaces of light and freedom. Because freedom is having a wide horizon and being where you want to be.

Fierce clashes (and with them hardship, wounds and suffering) are to be expected, but the fight is worth it.

Going beyond existential scenarios

Hibinimus' Creation is a embodiment of a lack of compromise with life and world as they are. Dominated by materialism, duplicity, hate and evil.


Emotions first

Hibinimus doesn't sign any agreement with the recipient, he doesn't include symbols, allegories. He speaks the language of emotions, he is an opponent of schematic metaphors.



Hibinimus ha decidido que su obra llegará a un extenso grupo de destinatarios. Hasta ahora su acto creativo ha sido tratado como un pasatiempo personal e íntimo, asimismo los resultados los han visto solo sus seres queridos y unos amigos. Hibinimus es un médico forense que trabaja en condiciones especiales. Él realiza inspecciones oculares judiciales y médicas, hace autopsias, y además describe actos de violencia. Es un observador involucrado en las desgracias realizadas, ve sus efectos y llega a la verdad. Está en contacto continuo con la muerte, el crimen, el daño y el sufrimiento, puede cambiar la precepción del mundo y los seres humanos. Sus pacientes muertos solicitan la justicia y él es su representante en el mundo de los vivos. Los muertos están vivos no solo en la memoria de los cercanos. Sus gritos mudos, la expresión de sus ojos congelados no les permite olvidar.

Mark’s dream | Blog

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