What is the fate of the soul after the death of the body? Believing that there is no end to infinity is beyond that what the analytical mind can understand. The image of God is relative and subjective. No one has proved that God is a fiction. No one has explained whether God is a game of human hormones or a mistake in the electrical transmission of the brain. Who created whom? It is hard to live without God and turn to dust and oblivion. Every day I fight for immortality looking at those who lost this fight.
Acrylic, canvas
40 x 60 cm
Certificate of authenticity on the back
Currency conversion: 20 000 PLN / 4 156 USD
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Hibinimus 决定将自己的作品推荐给更多的观赏者。一直以来,他都将创作视为一种个人行为,私密职业,只为家人和朋友展示。Hibinimus 是一个在特殊条件下工作的医生。作为一名法医,他检验尸体,记录暴力行为案例。他仔细观察那些不幸,并努力寻求真相。在与死亡、犯罪、伤害和痛苦的不断接触中洞察世界及人类的变化。死者们呼唤正义,他在生者的世界里为他们代言!死者不仅活在亲人的记忆中,他们无声的尖叫,静止的眼神不容淡忘。
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